Abraham and those saints of the Old Testament, the scripture said, confessed that they were just strangers and pilgrims on this earth, that they were looking for the city which hath foundations whose maker and builder is God. there is no small tendency whenever people know the gospel well, if this be all, to settle down, thinking they have nothing more to do with the matter. Have we that one blessed person as the hope, motive, beginning, end, way, and power of all that occupies us from day to day? It was a dynamic power which operated in the life of the individual Christian. "I make this judgment of the case; I thus reason with myself." He therefore puts all his energy into his efforts to reach this goal, just as a runner strains every muscle to reach the finishing line and gain the prize (12-14).Mature Christians will have the attitude to life that Paul has just outlined. Verses 1-21. To him to live was Christ. The scriptures affirm clearly the assurance of salvation; yet: Paul wants to impress upon us the difficulties, struggles, and hindrances that attend the believers life. He is author of. The very language Paul uses to describe the Law--excrement--shows the utter disgust for the Law which his own frustrated efforts to live by it had brought him; and the joy that shines through the passage shows how triumphantly adequate he found the grace of God in Jesus Christ. Remembering that, we try to paraphrase this passage and to set down, not so much what Paul says, as what was in his mind. But unfortunately, since then, a lot of those things that they counted loss at that point, they picked back up, so that they are encumbered again. Spirit, they said, is altogether good; and matter is altogether evil. And this is true from the first moment of our career as God's children. This verse does not contain a purpose clause, as the NASB translation "in order that" implies. Brethren, be followers together of me ( Philippians 3:17 ). And so, too, he could now read and interpret all things in that bright light around him. Paul was writing letters from A.D. 48 to A.D. 64, sixteen years, but we possess only thirteen. As he who runs a race never takes up short of the end, but is still making forwards as fast as he can, so those who have heaven in their eye must still be pressing forward to it in holy desires and hopes, and constant endeavours and preparations. I believe, therefore, that , especially if be supposed to be fetched (as Dr. B. says) from , is incompatible with , the one conveying the notion of a selected company, and the other of the dead universally. For his was a heart deeply sensible of love, and consequently he was not one that had sought either to make the saints dependent upon him, and still less did the apostle depend on the saints for anything that was the fruit of grace in them. It was God the Father that made Him Lord and Christ, but God the Father never made Him Jehovah. They had little enough even to eat. [Paul] also speaks positively in verses 1214 of what he is doing in light of the incompleteness of his spiritual journey. This commonly is apt to give occasion for strife as well as vain-glory. If, then, they really loved him, "If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if there be any comfort of love, any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies," he would venture to seek another proof of it. [Note: Idem, "Raised to Run," Grace Evangelical Society News 6:8 (August 1991):2.]. But ye know the proof of him, that, as a son with the father, he hath served with me in the gospel. But since he now belongs to Christ, he believes that perfection is the only goal he can aim at. In a certain sense too he could not, and in another he would not choose. Paul felt that when Christ stopped him on the Damascus Road, he had a vision and a purpose for Paul; and Paul felt that all his life he was bound to press on, lest he fail Jesus and frustrate his dream. "Let your moderation be known unto all men. His goodness can even take this up and thus make it fragrant even to Himself. For the prize of the high calling. They were those who denied that there was any law at all in the Christian life. All who believe shall surely shine in His glory; and the universal creation, which, belonging to Him as His inheritance, He will share with His own, shall be reconciled and delivered in due time. So the people whom Paul attacks may have been the clever Gnostics who produced specious arguments to justify their sinning or they may have been misguided Christians who twisted the loveliest things into justification for the ugliest sins. If I could, I would have done it a long time ago," and looking back I am discouraged of trying to go ahead.Or, on the other hand, a person looks back and glories in their victories of the past, and they are resting on their accolades. For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake." He is at Rome, where he desired to be, no doubt, but which he had never expected to visit as one in bonds. The summons of the writer of Deuteronomy is: "Circumcise the foreskin of your heart and be no longer stubborn" ( Deuteronomy 10:16). We worship God in the spirit.Jesus said, "God is a spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.". Through the wonderful sight of the love of Christ, this answered the question to his faith, leaving all circumstances entirely aside. While the exact nature of that reward is unclear here, it can generally be understood as a sort of abundance of life. Hence it may be remarked that in the epistle to the Philippians it is not a question of lusts of the flesh; the flesh is not so much as named here, except in a religious way; not in its gross sins, as man would judge, but in its pretensions to religion. I am the one who would]: Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless ( Philippians 3:4-6 ). All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in Jesus Christ. Now we all know that when a man is carried on the top of the wave, when the winds fill the sails and all goes prosperously, when hearts are gladdened in sorrow, when one witnesses the joy of fresh deliverance from day to day, it is a comparatively easy thing. Paul had certain people that seemed to follow him wherever he went, trying to pervert that which he taught of the grace of God, especially the Jewish legalizers who sought to bring the people back to a legal relationship with God, putting them under the law. Who would have expected that the timid man Nicodemus, and the honourable councillor Joseph of Arimathea, would have been brought out at the very time when even the apostles themselves had fled trembling with fear? It is the forming of the heart with the affections and the judgments of the Lord. He would have them realize the solemnity of the strife that is going on. The apostle had his heart upon Christ as his righteousness. In this chapter the apostle cautions the Philippians against false teachers, whom he describes as evil men, and exhorts them to walk as they had him, and other faithful ministers for an example. What seemed to some the death of the gospel was in point of fact distinctly for the furtherance of it. "Beware of evil workers; beware of the concision. I might attain unto - I may come to, or may secure this object. Television would cause you to think that that is all retired baseball and football players do is just hang around the bars drinking lite beer, talking about the past. The hope of the Christian is that the day will come when his humanity will be changed into nothing less than the divinity of Christ, and when the necessary lowliness of mortality will be changed into the essential splendour of deathless life. The Scotchman, too, wherever he may be, remembers the land of brown heath and shaggy wood. And the Irishman, too, let him be where he will, still thinks the Emerald Isle the first gem of the sea. Why should women expose, themselves? The basic thought of this passage is the uselessness of Law and the sufficiency of knowing Christ and accepting the offer of God's grace. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. I want to hold on to the things of the flesh." ", "The spiritual resurrection view posits that the out-resurrection refers to the attainment of Christlike character in this life." Nevertheless, whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, [and] let us mind the same thing ( Philippians 3:15-16 ). But this is not the character of Christian joy. The apostle does call for "fear and trembling" on the part of the saints in that chapter; but there is not an atom of dread or doubt in it. But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ ( Philippians 3:7 ). So, by the trial and error method, the redoing a lot of the seams and all, and the hem wasn't really straight, but it was a good effort. Therefore, do what you like with it; since it is evil anyhow it makes no difference what you do with it. And what is the true divine rule? I believe that a woman shines most where she does not appear. Because of that, righteousness nearly always for Paul has the meaning of a right relationship with God. And, at best, I can develop a self-righteousness. 12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. "I can do all things," as he says elsewhere, "through him that strengtheneth me." When they returned from the exile, it was from the tribes of Benjamin and Judah that the nucleus of the reborn nation was formed ( Ezra 4:1). And she was so excited over the fact that she had been able to labor and work and make her way through college and was going to be graduating. To "abound yet more and more," to have that love tempered by divinely given wisdom and divinely exercised judgment, is the very reverse of going back. He was born and circumcised a Jew and trained to be a zealous law-abiding Pharisee, but he found that trying to do good by keeping laws could not make the guilty sinner acceptable to God. Yet I supposed it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother, and companion in labour, and fellow-soldier, but your messenger, and he that ministered to my wants. He has not attained this "perfection" as is evident from verses 12-16. We must think rather of the conflict of the gospel: there was often for all concerned disgrace, and pain, and scorn. Again and again Paul returns to the thought that when the Christian has to suffer, he is in some strange way sharing the very suffering of Christ and is even filling up that suffering ( 2 Corinthians 1:5; 2 Corinthians 4:10-11; Galatians 6:17; Colossians 1:24). Who have had more palpable witness that service may become the object rather than Christ? i. Savior was a title given to the Caesars. For no personal end did he mention their grace; "but I desire fruit that may abound to your account." [Note: E.g., Hawthorne, pp. Christian worship is not a thing of ritual or of the observation of details of the Law; it is a thing of the heart. Joy should be the normal state of the Christian. If by any means I, might attain unto the resurrection of. Perhaps he meant he wanted to experience suffering for Christs sake and was even willing to die for Him to arrive at his resurrection in a manner that would enable him to face His master unashamed. So Paul states his attainments. Thus we see here the power of a risen and a heavenly Christ, not now treated doctrinally as in 1 Corinthians 15:1-58 or 2 Corinthians 5:1-21 and elsewhere, but as that which bears on the Christian for the constant experience of every day. But it is working through it, but it is agonizing. (i) It means to know the power of his Resurrection. There is a pun in the Greek which is not transferable to English. There is no epistle in the New Testament which gives so little space to the development of. For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Christ Jesus." It is a blessed and refreshing picture even in thought. He speaks as if they were in danger of missing it, and coming short of it. Why should such as they face the unmannerly officials that took advantage of the imperial government to treat with injury those identified with the gospel? He was Jehovah, equal with God the Father. Faithful believers only will obtain this out-resurrection and have abundance of joy forever. There are those who are living after their flesh. After a dead dog! Paul was probably speaking of the Rapture. But to one cut off from such work it was, in appearance at least, a heavy burden and an immense trial; but Christ changes all for us. It expresses expectation. Grace Evangelical Society Newsletter, November 1987, p. The word concision comes from a Greek word, which means mutilators. He is also reaching out for the things which are in front. b. Let me press this, because alas! (b) It is the guarantee of the life to come ( Romans 8:11; 1 Corinthians 15:14 ff.). WebPhilippians 3:11-14. It speaks of believers who were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. All believers will be resurrected, but there is a better one for those who endure. after a flea!" It can be a very dangerous thing.On the other hand, I can recognize that I have a problem with sin, with myself, with my flesh. Yet there is not one of these things that has not become the ruin of souls; and there are none that ought to know this better than those I am addressing this night. We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. I blew it. differently] minded, this also will God reveal to you." We may see the depth of this word from a fact of Old Testament usage. B. Philippi was a Roman colony. Yea [not and], I entreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which labour with me." Check out our other commentaries: Genesis 19:8-10 meaning (3:11 22) Maps and Charts. They had so much the more to do because Christ had done all for their souls. This is wholly distinct from His own intrinsic eternal glory. It was from the tribe of Benjamin that the first king of Israel had come ( 1 Samuel 9:1-2), and it was no doubt from that very king that Paul had been given his original name of Saul. NIV I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. What might you and I have thought of such? Pastor Mark Schlamann. In every town and in every city and in every country there were Jews. WebPhilippians 3 He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. He must have a certain kind of mind and heart and character. Nor was he in that which he was about to write without deep feeling; but he had learned Christ for all; and this is the key-note of the epistle from the first, though only uttered distinctly at the last. And I may pull over to the side of the freeway and decide not to pass him so that I won't be a bad witness, and bow my head and say, "God, I am sorry. Thus, as at the beginning of the chapter, there was the energy that went out against the evil workers, with a religious mind after the flesh, so now there is the energy that bursts forth against those that were misusing Christianity, making it an earthly system, setting their mind on things here below, under the name of the Lord Jesus; and between the two, is set forth the positiveness, if one may so speak, of Christ Himself. iv. These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our website is being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our website and application for you in order to enhance your experience. In Leviticus the sacred law-giver says that the uncircumcised hearts of Israel must be humbled to accept the punishment of God ( Leviticus 26:41). ", Only he desires that their conversation should be as it became the gospel of Christ. He has not yet reached perfection, regardless of what the Judaizing opponents may have claimed for themselves. all the dead, as a class. So he brings before them another remarkable feature of it their fellowship; and this fellowship too with the gospel. There will be a resurrection of the unjust, who shall arise to shame and everlasting contempt; and our care must be to escape that: but the joyful and glorious resurrection of saints is called the resurrection, kat exochen--by eminence, because it is in virtue of Christ's resurrection, as their head and first-fruits; whereas the wicked shall rise only by the power of Christ, as their judge. And she thought, "Oh my, I didn't dream anything could cost that much." Christ was "without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation." This glorious resurrection, and perhaps peculiarly glorious in the case of martyrs, is that to which St. Paul aspired. Enough has been already said above, before I even knew of his reasoning, to prove how unfounded it is in every point of view. "For I have no man like-minded, who will naturally care for your state." The trial is to keep that joy undimmed in the midst of the difficulties and sorrows that every day may bring. Even in the ends of the earth they remained unshakeably Roman. Energy is not the best or highest aspect of Christianity. The apostle had his heart upon Christ as his righteousness. Hence I cannot but consider it a surprising error in Griesbach that he edited the received text in this place. Breaking Down the Key Parts of Philippians 3:14. Such a Jew would speak the language of the country in which he lived but also the Hebrew which was his ancestral language. "You remember Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, chapter 5 of Matthew, said, "Except your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees, you shall in no wise enter the kingdom of heaven." If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. And there is not now merely His riches of grace, but he looks forward into the glory where he was going, and can say, "My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.". [Note: Bob Wilkin, "Philippians 3:11: Is Our Resurrection Certain?" exanastasin, lit. out-resurrection). As we are just now, our bodies are subject to change and decay, illness and death, the bodies of a state of humiliation compared with the glorious state of the Risen Christ; but the day will come when we will lay aside this mortal body which we now possess and become like Jesus Christ himself. "Let your requests," whatever they may be, "be made known unto God;" and not only so, but "with thanksgiving." F and G, by manifest error, read , and this seems to have been corrected (or rather corrupted) in order to make sense into (omitting ) in K and L and the mass of cursives. InMatthew 23:1-39; Matthew 23:1-39 we have woe upon woe pronounced upon scribes and Pharisees, and so it is here. In Php_3:21 it speaks about our vile body. It was not that he wanted more. The apostle had his heart upon Christ as his righteousness. This the apostle had his eye upon; this he would attain. By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. So unbelief interprets, but most assuredly it is wrong. And as he headed out towards Damascus, he was going out with threatenings of murder against the believers. He "became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. This epistle treats of daily sorrows and difficulties, yet does it manifestly overflow with joy, which all the dangers, sufferings, and trials only made the more triumphant and conspicuous. Robert Wilkin, the writer quoted above, later changed his view and adopted the "spiritual resurrection view. Self-judgment, where grace is known, is a most wholesome exercise of soul; and we shall have it in perfection even in heaven itself before the judgment-seat of Christ. should not of itself have the same sense as that conveyed, with more propriety of expression (and for that reason likely to be adopted in the early Uncial MSS. Paul said, "I have not yet apprehended that for which I was apprehended. Why? c. The Lord Jesus Christ: The title Lord was also applied to the Roman Caesar. You will never get into a right relationship with God by your own efforts in keeping the Law. WebPhilippians 3:14 ESV I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. This is but a poor human resource, as unworthy of the saints as of the truth of God, who would not have us to wink at any mistake. "You know, it is what I used to be, what I used to do. Shall we turn now in our Bibles to Philippians 3 .Again, remember that the background of this epistle, Paul is chained to a Roman soldier in Rome, in prison, writing to the Philippians. Alter and Matthaei followed according to their plan the manuscripts before them; but the latter was too good a scholar not to feel the difference, though he appears to impute it to a corrector for the sake of elegance in his second edition. Probably Paul meant that he hoped he would live to experience the Rapture, the "out-resurrection from among the dead," before he died. The great feast of Purim, which was observed every year with such rejoicing, commemorated the deliverance of which the Book of Esther tells, and the central figure of that story was Mordecai, a Benjaminite. God, I thank you that I am so good," that pride and self-righteousness. He always looks there in Philippians. WebPhilippians 3:11-14 King James Version 11 If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead. She laid the thing out, carefully cut it out, but she really had never sewn anything before. It should be "the fruit of righteousness, which is by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.". Once you are right about Christ, you are right about everything while He is before you. The new body, the building of God not made with human hands, the eternal house that God has created for my spirit. ", Blessed is this confidence in Christ, and wondrous are His ways! The Lord is at hand." Far from losing sight of our past ways, it is a very wholesome thing indeed to remember them: we are never safe in forgetting what we are and have been. The use of the preposition ek twice in the phrase, the first usage being in exanastasin, suggests a resurrection out from a group not resurrected. 3:12-16 Not that I have already obtained this, or that I am already all complete but I press on to try to grasp that for which I have been grasped by Jesus Christ. He says that the Lord will circumcise their hearts to make them love him ( Deuteronomy 30:6). WebPhilippians 2:1-5. [Note: See Gerald B. Stanton, Kept from the Hour, pp. When God does not interpose, men are apt to allow reflections and reasonings. (1.) (3.) There is great reason to think that the arose from those who thought it necessary to the sense, and did not see that it could be fetched from the in . That which men call by this name is really the trial of what flesh is under law much more than experience of Christ. I endeavour to get more grace and do more good, and never think I have done enough: If that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus." This, carefully remember, does not mean forgetting sins. The reason why we can all say it tonight is because we are all here. And what is this but the unfolding of the truth in the heart and in the ways of the Christian? But how can you attain the resurrection of the dead unless you, first of all, have died? What are you going to do when you pass the guy?" What the happiness of heaven is: it is to apprehend that for which we are apprehended of Christ. No further discipline and no further effort were necessary. Habitually, indeed throughout this epistle, we find the word " me," and a very different "me" from the "me" of Romans 7:1-25. He is able even to subdue all things to Himself and accomplish something as amazing as the resurrection of our bodies after the pattern of Jesus resurrection. And so accordingly His servant says here, "If I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labour.". She couldn't buy a dress, but she really didn't have much money to buy very good material. Here Paul rounds upon these Jewish teachers who were seeking to undo his work. Please see our Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. I hold the record and my name is on the record books, and all." (c) It is the guarantee that in life and in death and beyond death the presence of the Risen Lord is always with us. Certainly this is painful and humbling. This is open to the heart now. The excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus.I think that we have to be the most blessed and privileged people in the world. "Beware of the concision.". The lad was condemned to death for his misdeeds; and the father's letter goes on: "His peace increased daily, till on Saturday, the day he was to die, he came out of the condemned-room, clothed in his shroud, and went into the cart. We are reminded that Paul wrote these words to strengthen and encourage a community he loved and who were already doing well in their life in Christ (see Philippians 1:3-11). "You know, if you only had enough faith, you could be jetting across the United States also in your own Lear Jet." We do not speak of standing in Christ now, but of their allotted services. Instead of occupying oneself with all one hears that would cast down, now that we have committed all. And the young girl went outside, and there was a limousine chauffeur, and they went down to I. Magnum's, and the chauffeur took the car up. It is perfectly possible for him to observe all the outward observances of religion and yet have hatred and bitterness and pride in his heart. There were tens of thousands of them in Rome; and in Alexandria there were more than a million. It was the exact reverse in good of what the Galatians were in evil, for they had been cordial and bright when the apostle was with them; but directly his back was turned, their hearts were alienated. Were on a mission to change that. "This shall turn," says he, "to my salvation through your prayers, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ." It is not the dread of losing the Saviour of their souls, but because they felt for His name; "for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure." For it is not meant looking to Him now, or having Him as one's life: to win Christ means having Him at the other side. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. There is, however, a sure and only divine standard: as far as we have attained, our call is to walk in the same path. The cross was essential and necessary for Him to experience the power of the resurrection. But, Lady Bountiful, seeing her interest in it, said to the clerk, wrap it up and have it sent to the car.When she got back to the dorm, she went into her room and she carefully unwrapped this dress, put it on; it fit perfectly. Jeremiah speaks of the uncircumcised ear, the ear that will not hear the word of God ( Jeremiah 6:10). WebIt is consciousness contemplating its riches, counting its gains. 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