She was the woman who was last seen in Teller County in September. You just cant stop. Sources Theres no way to pretty up this pig. Alt Left: Stupidity about Sex Trafficking, Add Iran to That Sino-Russian Alliance While You Are at It, More Crazy (Obsessive and Conspiratorial) Antisemitism, This Is Almost Certainly the Single Most Inexplicable Series of Geopolitical Blunders in Recorded History, The Rules-Based Order the US Keeps Blabbing about, The Jewish Conspiracy To Subject Humankind. I dont blame you. A quote I like: In cases like these, possible suspects who seem like good possibilities for being the culprit are often run through the ringer, only to be dismissed. Afterall, hes out there somewhere. What special sources? That means he didnt just start doing this and it means hell be hard to catch too. Presumably one of the wounds to the girl(s) was via this sort of a knife. I dont know but I see both the videos that were on this page are no longer there, and I think the one where he took the phone call from the guy who was going to turn himself in (allegedly) was on WKAT, their new channel. Hes very good at what he does. But where do we draw the line on our suspicions? Im a professional journalist. Wilson Daily Times, 26 February 1923.. Delphia Taylor Lucas was born free in Nash County to Dempsey Taylor and Eliza Pace Taylor. However, we have been reporting for some time on here that the girls may have been catfished via social media. I have a photocopy of the document. If you have a sensitive stomach about such things, just dont read. We have no idea. Id LOVE to be very wrong on this! I feel for the guy. At the six minute mark, BG and the girls can be heard starting to cross the creek, so the girls were definitely walked across the creek. Nah. He described the murders as occult-like and wondered if there was an occult or Satanic connection. They also curiously stated that the suspect does not have blue eyes. In addition, the Indiana State Police were verified as harassing this man at one point by repeatedly calling him on the phone. Oh88 or punks with candles painting their fingernails black. How bout one more one more thing, just to try your patience? First, a pitch for support for this website and our sleuthing group: People are donating lots of money to Delphi podcasters Mike Greeno and Gray Hughes, which is their right. LE was unable to break Mr. Xs alibi via his friend. So LE thinks that fact that BG abducted those girls at precisely 2:13 in the afternoon is no coincidence. Exactly. Im pretty sure they have the DNA of the main suspect. This will be a follow-on to my earlier post here. There is more shocking information that was touched on earlier. Apparently his wife accessed documents relating to the case at her job at the courthouse. 2:13 and 2/13. King World Productions Inc. 2023 Inside Edition Inc. and CBS interactive Inc., Paramount companies. An arrest has been made in the Delphi double homicide case! I wondered if it was a planned trip and he knew of it. I was trying to say that despite those issues this is a really great blog. If Mr. Xs truck was not there the whole time, it is possible that he left his phone at the building for several hours while he committed the crime. According to Leaker, this is correct. It drops down all of the comments in the order they are posted. There is no way the girls were killed by a Mexican drug cartel. All will be forgotten. If they can crack that alibi somehow, they can make an arrest, except the alibi is dead! BG is everyone yet no one. We dont know LE has his keys. You might want to though. Im trembling from the acknowledging some things are true about the horrific end to the girls lives. We got this secondhand from a LE source. Libby had gotten smitten with this young man and wanted to meet him. And the more you learn about this crime, believe me, the more you would not be surprised at the cruelty and bizarreness of abusing these girls bodies in this way because that seemed to be a major focus on the crime violating, dishonoring, shaming, and debasing these girls with cruelty and contempt and then posing them in a degrading and humiliating manner. Does anyone know why they parted ways? but he told them they are under arrest. Who is Jennifer? They are signed by official(s). In addition, the document says that BG recorded 43 seconds of audio, presumably of the crime. Oh. Maybe when I register/sign-up Ill get the notification bell. The rumor also stated that the motive of the crime was the rape of Abby Williams. And you would think that they would have run a search on the orange truck and found it came back to Mr. X.. You mean if he lost his key in the forest? I dont think I should allow it on here. In the images, some can make out the outlines of the two young victims. CSI guys wandering the scene. Unbelievable. Yes, that is really sad. In which case, both of the guardians would be wrong. However, Mr. Xs truck is orange. I do not understand. Pure effervescent enrichment. It is truly a race against time. I hate that word, favorite of scientistic skeptards. Support the best Delphi sleuthing group of all! All the art you never knew you needed. I didnt think they had all the bones. One girl was pregnant: This has been a rumor from the very first weeks after the crime. If you have information, call police at 844-459-5786 or email them at [email protected]. Its an opinion as much as any of us have. The stepson is a 21 year old man who just graduated from high school and lives with Mr. X and his wife, Mrs. X. I will search but Ive not heard anything about this Jennifer being murdered or anyone confessing, The guy who called AG and confessed is this person. As you can see, LE sources are not so reliable. He admits to being a pedophile, goes to the graves and leaves flowers, and even visits the parents of the girls pretending to bear sympathy for them. But thats how it goes in this business. I recently read a post in which a woman saw a man at a department store who seemed as though he could be BG. Its the only one so far I believe. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Hes not very pleasant anyway. The drama ended when 55-year-old Etter fired a gun and took his own life 50 miles from the spot where the bodies of Abby and Libby were found. Local PD has had more patience with them than most would. I dont have a comment bell? I have a BA in Journalism. I went to Michael Stroups facebook page and he hasnt commented since the 15th (2 days ago) and not a word edgewise about youtube. I dont believe nothing they say. Any of those. Mr. X needs to step up and tell the truth. In addition, this man was a suspect according to the FBI, who tricked him into coming up to Michigan, only to detain and get a DNA sample from him. Turns out it was a bad rumor. No one can take him seriously when hes putting this stuff out there. His phone was pinging at the CPS building (forget the rest of his suspicious behavior for now) so the question: why no search warrant? But all great things come with flaws just as there is a bit of good in even most horrors. -- Police in Delphi, Indiana are looking into a possible new development in the cold-case murder of two teenage girls. These photos have been blown up and enhanced to Hell and back by everyone and their uncle. This man needs to be committed., treeofstrings Dn needs 2 stop talking 2 them. Have a cup of coffee and think of sunshine and smiles instead. What?? A fasifiability is a thing, and not even wrong is on the tip of everyones tongue. I always felt that they were catfished and never believed it was rogue/random . A year later the suspect known as BG remains unidentified. We judge that false. Keep in mind that these document(s) went through different people before the came to me. Unless youre someone to whom hate is as valuable as oxygen. Im sorry but Im afflicted with both graphomania and logorrhea (same thing). Of course, we have been trying to winnow the rumors down into those we have more confidence and less confidence in from the very start, but thats easier said than done. Whether that counts or not I have no idea. Indiana absolutely had DNA swab laws in 2017. No doubt this goes with the video that was shot, the video being of unknown length. Quite a bit of new information came out a few weeks ago via an appearance by a man named Leaker, identified above. The crime had Satanic overtones. Not sure. They also need to somehow connect Mr. X to the catfish on Snapchat in some way or other. However, assuming the images below are correct, both girls legs were spread very wide after they were killed. Do you know when this conversation took place? Second update: apparently, this media outlet reports that foul play is not suspected? I hope at the least there is really a guy who called and made these claims even though what he claims doesnt sound like it will hold water. I cant imagine anyone holding something this dastardly and evil inside. Assuming the photos below are valid interpretations, the girls are not posed in any obvious lesbian sex act. Ok they know that this friend is lying about seeing him in some other town at the time of the crime. On the afternoon of Feb. 13th, 2017, best friends Abigail Williams and Liberty German were dropped off at a bridge in the town of Delphi. They are not about to implicate one or more of their own, so theyve relied on misdirection and omission of key procedures that would have pretty much guaranteed a conviction, not to mention an arrest. The crime may have been plotted for four months prior to carrying it out. And in 2009 they swabbed my mouth for DNA for the FBI database. Abby may well have been knocked out cold by this blow. Indeed, we theorized this in the early days after the crime. Outlines of the bodies of the two victims. , Lets play with this a bit more. It seems odd he would post it if it was just tonight as anyone could go to this guys house or contact police. I think Greeno would be in trouble with the law for false reporting, obstruction, who knows what. According to Leaker, the only DNA on the girls bodies is from Kelsi, Libbys sister. BG could be anyone and he could be anywhere. On February 13, or 2-13. One of Libbys friends had seen a photo of the catfish, and her description of it is what the second sketch is based on. I guess. During the course of the ongoing investigation numerous potential suspect names and photos have crossed various forums, blogs, social media and news outlets, this blog included. All thats needed is probably a search of Mr Xs internet history and I bet youll have all the answers youll ever need. This unidentified man was seen in a West Lafayette park in mid-April 2017. Do you know if there is any truth to that? INDIANAPOLIS -- While Daniel Nations remains behind bars in Colorado, his wife spoke with WTTV about her husband being named a person of interest in the deaths of two teenage hikers in Delphi . This is apparently poor Abby screaming. The searchers did not come very close to the bodies. Oh, shoot, I wonder if non-members are able to read in the new sub-reddit? Thats all it ever was. Id rather not do that. I can finally see the supposed bodies. Mr. Xs roommate says BGs voice is close to Mr. Xs. He was over with his truck between 2:00 and 3:00 and it was about 5:30 when the police came by," said neighbor Chadwell Rhymer. Mr. Xs DNA is in the area, but he was part of the search team that discovered the bodies, so its not usable. Had they researched a bit better and been a little more professional they could be a valuable resource to some of us and possibly law enforcement. The barn theory is continuing to be pushed by a woman who says the girls were removed from the area, taken to the barn, killed there, and then returned to the dump site. Anyway, what do you think editors are for? Can only guess at this point. While Daniel Nations remains behind bars in Colorado, his wife spoke exclusively to FOX59 News about her husband being named a person of interest in the Delphi double murders. Stroup and Greenos caller claims to have killed the woman who arranged to have the girls murdered and to have his [the callers] DNA placed at the scene. What were the mans telling suspicions that alerted her? Your email address will not be published. Then all BG is guilty of regarding shooting the gun would be mutilating a corpse. The initial K was carved in trees at the crime scene. On Wednesday, October 26, 2022, detectives with the Delphi Double Homicide Task Force took Richard Allen, 50, from Delphi Indiana into custody at the Indiana State Police Lafayette Post for the . Leaker says that there is a prime suspect in the case. Open and shut. We are not even sure where or when he lost them. If his truck was in the cemetery then it wasnt his vehicle at the CPS building. A persistent yet unconfirmed rumor is that it was a white truck. A previous report said that the crime scene begins in the Robertsons backyard and continues for 1,000 feet. We regard this as unconfirmed to say the least. And the owners acted very strange when we asked if the barn had been used in the crime. The skull turned up first, I think (thats when they initially said they considered it a suspicious death and could be foul play) then they found a few more bones out searching and rescinded any notion of suspicious death (much less the possibility of foul play). Our group is clearly the best Delphi sleuthing group on the Internet by far. A) An abduction/assault attempt (via a catfish scenario) that went wrong, so the girls had to be killed. There vehicle may have been a truck. BG discharged a gun in the course of this crime. Per court documents from that incident, the witness told police that Nations exposed himself and then asked her, You want to get on this? All the fandoms you could wish for. It violates Whites Manual of Style (Keep it simple, stupid) and a lot of other things, including the readers precious time. Just asking. Therefore the rumor that BG sent photos of the crime to Abbys phone seems to be true. Leaker also said that the crime was committed in a ravine that is hard to see from most angles. Leaker concurred that Libby died via a deep knife wound to the throat. Daniel Nations was arrested in April of 2016 in Greenwood for driving on a suspended license and having marijuana in his vehicle. Butagain, hes out there and he might have a Facebook account and is just going on with his life, unrecognized, as if hes a model citizen. This man also lists a number of items the killer left at the scene that stretches credulity. So we dont have any special sources about this case as my critics claim. In brand new information, apparently one of the trail cams at the south end of the bridge where the abduction took place had been disabled. Union Pacific Railways Adds to Famine Concerns. I worked as an assistant editor of a magazine. Counting hazy cases like this, I count four false confessions so far. A bit here on my ever-growing army of critics. Orsolya Gaal Unsolved Homicide April 16, 2022 Queens NY. At a presser, LE said, We believe we have something of yours. My and fellow sleuths guess is that the something of his that LE has is his car keys. They very much do not want it getting out that they were given these document(s). We reported in a previous post that the trip was not a last minute decision, and instead, adults were discussing it in local bars on Friday night. They have pathologically doubted everything and anything that anyone ever said about this crime. I dont know what the people at the bar were saying. I might use their prose for toilet paper or lining bird cages, but I certainly wont read it. This seems to be a pretty huge oversight that was never even commented on by Leaker. Is There a Break in the Delphi Double Homicide Case? Maybe they have, maybe they havent. And if so, where? ("One of the old time darkies" was a bizarre (and utterly offensive) term of approval.) Comment Page 5 Please continue comments here on the Delphi homicides of Abby and Libby, Delphi Homicide Abby Williams Libby German Indiana serial killer,, Comment Page 2 Please continue comments here on the Delphi homicide of Abby and Libby Closed for comments, Comment Page 3 Please continue comments here on the Delphi homicide of Abby and Libby, Comment Page 4 Please continue comments here on the Delphi homicides of Abby and Libby, Comment Page 6 Please continue comments here on the Delphi homicides of Abby and Libby. He said that the only reason he hasnt killed by now is because hes afraid. I think hes the prime suspect. I figured he was friends with Tobe. The barn theory: Has to do with the Mears barn across the street from Ron Logans house. Everyone talks about these aerial crime scene area photos ad nauseam, but now I can at least make out possible outlines. On his Facebook he made a comment like that videos all on Greeno when people asked what it was about., QuarterMileOfNasty DELPHI, Ind. This seems credible to me although some say that LE just made this up as a ruse. 95 F.3d 627, 629 . They could have taken it in another direction. Unlike any other sleuthers, we have actually determined the main suspect in the case, and we have a pretty good idea of what happened during the crime and what the crime scene looked like. One theory wrongly posits that Carter's allusion to "The Shack," a novel about a man who . The woman and her children followed the guy around and alerted store personnel who then also watched the man until he quickly purchased an item and left the store. Unfortunately, this friend is has since died. Based on the facts laid out, he can only mean a Delphi resident, recently moved to Monticello, who I will call Mr. X. I could use his initials but that doesnt seem right. Leaker also said that there were religious aspects to the murders. They were presumably taken from the part of the footage where you can see many flashes going off in a circle around a location in the woods. Who is the you tuber the video is refering to? Also we now have two cases where we can try to gather evidence against him. High School Sports - Schedules, Scores, Rankings - MaxPreps Ive been afraid to ask about that this whole time for fear of getting a virtual beating. If you hate me that much, just go away. Finally, a woman came to me and apologized. Nigga please. In the 1850 census of Nash County: farmer Dempsey Taylor, 35; wife Eliza, 33; and children Margaret A., 4, Sarah, 2, and Delphi, 7 months; and Jane, 12. Double Homicide case sort of a knife bird cages, but now i can at least make out the of! Count four false confessions so far just go away man and wanted to him., obstruction, who knows what i cant imagine anyone holding something this dastardly and Inside... 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