which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis

Also termed a theory or an explanatory hypothesis. c. Express thoughts but not feelings. The first premise states that the theory, or the explanation, really does enable you to predict the facts, or the observable outcome. Prior probability: higher than moon and Venus alternatives, but still too low to consider the logic of the argument any better than undecidable, since there are problems with the conceptual frameworkscientists cannot understand how a piece of the planet could have been ejected with enough speed without vaporizing.. - Tend to be broad. d. They see it as part of their role. If punishment motivates learning better than does reward, then punishing student pilots when they perform poorly is followed by improved performance more often than rewarding them when they perform well. d. Frustration produces physical but not psychological aggression. It makes no statement with respect to causation. Perier stopped and measured the barometer from time to time as he scaled the mountain, with results that were widely taken as impressive proof of Torricellis hypothesis. The second part of the total evidence condition for explanatory arguments shifts attention from the improbability of the outcome to the probability of the explanation. Is the if-clause offered as superior to alternative explanations of the then-clause? It includes the presumption of causation. Oona wants to conduct research on personnel management, workplace environment, and what type of environment results in high levels of employee productivity and efficiency. The mountain argument can be clarified roughly as follows: For a more substantial example, lets look at a famous explanatory argument from science. Structure an explanatory argument, when it would be loyal to do so, as follows: the first premise states that if the explanation is correct, then a specified outcome of it will be observable; the second premise states that the outcome has been observed; and the conclusion states that the explanation is thus correct. sentence with an appropriate personal pronoun. Second, its explicit premisethis water boiled quicklyis the observable outcome of the explanation. Carl Hempel, The Philosophy of Natural Science. All of the following are elements of biological literacy EXCEPT: Having read the most important books in biology. MIUs architect had said only that the decision to pour concrete was based on the construction schedule and the availability of certain materials. Step 3. All of these. An engaging and more detailed account of this experiment can be found in Keith Arnolds Pascals Great Experiment,. If the butler regularly handled the candlestick anyway, then his fingerprints on it would not point to him as the murderer. For each of the arguments below, offer an alternative explanation that already exists, which thus renders the outcome probable and the argument logically weak. Favoring outcomes that rule out alternative explanations is an especially powerful strategy. Be more suspicious of explanatory arguments in which the explanation was invented after the observable outcome was observed. If your hypothesis is "Echinacea reduces the duration and severity of the symptoms of the common cold," what is your null hypothesis? The explanation here is The gods are powerful and the observable outcome is Many who worship the gods have escaped from shipwrecks. Add a moving part to the machine, and the probability that every part will work drops dramatically. It includes the presumption of causation. You never talked about him like he was a heronever made any effort to keep his memory alive with letters and pictures. A century after Darwins visit, his countryman David Lack came here to study the tiny, drab birds that had helped inspire the theory of evolution. At any given time, each pilot has achieved a certain level of competencecall it the pilots current mean level of competence. It was a remarkably precise predictionpreposterous, really, given the rarity of comets, unless one made the assumption of Newtons celestial mechanics. Even across the street I could see a great blue anchor tattooed on the back of the fellows hand. c. with the intent to harm psychologically. Before making any judgment about the outcome, you should determine these two things: But sometimes the more probable explanation does not occur to uswe need more imagination or, perhaps, a better education. D. It excludes the presumption of Halleys comet provides an extreme example of this; the explanation was formulated in the late 1600s, and the observable outcome was predicted for six decades later. An increase in family income leads to an increase in the percentage of income spent on housing. An increase in family income leads to an increase in the percentage of income spent on housing. WebThe explanatory hypothesis is the heart of the case formulation. He had a military carriage, however, and regulation side-whiskers. . That rock just smells like Mars, says Robert Pepin of the University of Minnesota. 1. Freud argued that repression and resistance are two important mechanisms of our minds. Sample exercise. Null hypothesis : this is known as the default hypothesis.It states that These youngsters had, in fact, been selected at random from among their classmates. But the editors at. B. WebWhich of the following is an explanatory hypothesis? Alternative explanation that already exists. WebA hypothesis (plural hypotheses) is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon. This is the place to ask about coincidence as an alternative explanation. Note: See Section 6. This disregard for weather extended even to the pouring of concrete. Individuals have an innate predisposition to be aggressive, which builds up and eventually must be expressed. Fairly strong. The second premise states that the observable outcome has happenedthat it has been observed. The plumber couldve called the man or sent a note (enclosed, perhaps, with his bill) to straighten things out, but wrote Dear Abby where there was a good chance it wouldnt be published or the man wouldnt read it; how often does a well-intentioned person take such an ineffective action to right a wrong? 1) A complex, ordered organization consisting of one or more cells. In summing up his defense before the jury, he said, My esteemed opponents statements remind me of the little boy who ran to his father. I subconsciously wanted the test to succeed, so I tended not to count less severe colds that I otherwise would have counted. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. unintentional aggression. He argued that, by super-cooling the stomach, acid production was reduced and the ulcer relieved. Not too badly, if we compare the frequencies of each. c. undesirable Statistics are used by scientists mainly to determine: Whether differences in results between control and treatment groups is significant and important. When people insist that they have no repressed memories, then, Freud considers this to be evidence for the presence of resistance, which is itself evidence for the existence of repression. Webe. This argument would have the same form as the first one, differing only in the nature of the observable outcome. Drug companies sometimes hire independent research laboratories to evaluate whether a drug they've discovered is effective or not in treating an illness. P.S. a. with the intent to harm physically. An explanatory argument contends that certain facts can best be explained by a certain theory, and thus that the theory must be true. c. students with good leadership and communication skills Many smart people refused at first to wholeheartedly endorse Newtonian mechanics because it lacked a satisfactory conceptual framework in one important respect. e. a and c, a. setting up specific guidelines distinguishing assertive play from inappropriate aggressive play, When David Stern, commissioner of the National Basketball Association, banned Latrell Sprewell for choking his coach, he stated, "A sports league does not have to accept or condone behavior that would not be tolerated in any other segment of society." Some explanations will eventually measure up to the standards of good reasoning; that is no reason to eliminate the standards. It fails the test mentioned in the preceding section, since we already have an explanation for the outcomenamely, the normal operation of gravity. I would be following the same strategy if I introduced you to a student of mine and declared that she had special coin-tossing skill, proven by the fact that she has just now, on demand, tossed heads five times in a row. e. instrumental-reactive aggression theory, According to more recent research by Anderson and Bushman, aggression ranging from instrumental to reactive should be viewed A theory predicts events in a broad, general context; a hypothesis makes a specific prediction about a specified set of circumstances. The problem, the supervisor decided, simply stemmed from somebodys mishandling of the frame. 1. Newtons account of celestial mechanics is correct and applies to the motion of comets. This is no problem if your subjective expectations are exactly in accord with the evidence. The explanations prior probabilitythat is, its probability prior to judging whether the observable outcome is truemust not be implausibly low and it must be higher than that of the leading alternative explanations. C. It's causation. Explanation: the meteorite came from Mars. [2] In 1687, Isaac Newton published his monumental Principia. structuralism, functionalism, behaviorism, humanism. b. thought out versus impulsive Weban explanatory hypothesis for a natural phenomenon that is exceptionally well supported by empirical data. the scientific study of mind and behavior. This result can be explained by the fact that because the teachers expected them to do well, their perceptions of each students ability rose and those childrens own self-image was enhanced. David Lewis and James Greene, Thinking Better. ], There are extremes in beak sizes on Galapagos finches, there is no relevant difference in food from island to island, and in conditions, What prehistoric culture created the huge and magnificent likeness of George Bernard Shaw that is topographically sculpted on the southern tip of an island in the Leaf River in northern Quebec? There were 15, then 8, then 4, then 2; then, after the fifth toss, this one student remained. WebIntrospection refers to a process by which someone examines ________ as objectively as possible. People in the South tend to rate the President more favorably than do people in the North Real estate investment trusts (REITs) experienced a record level of profitability in 2004. WebWhich of the following statements is true of an explanatory hypothesis? 6) Evolutionary adaptation leading to descent with modification over time. An inactive substance used in controlled experiments to test the effectiveness of another substance; the treatment group receives the substance being tested, and the control group receives the placebo. No one would have expected a comet in December 1758 unless they were assuming the Newtonian explanation; such an event would have been extremely improbable. 1 Definitions In this instrument: chronic renal failure means: (a) having a glomerular filtration rate of less than 15 mL/min/1.73 m 2 for a period of at least 3 months; or (b) a need for renal replacement therapy (dialysis or transplantation) for treatment of complications of decreased glomerular filtration rate Nearly half the party died before an April rescue, the survivors cannibalizing the dead. If Newtons account of celestial mechanics is correct and applies to the motion of comets, then a comet with an orbit similar to the 1530 and 1606 comets will appear in December 1758. The Total Evidence Condition for Explanatory Arguments. This observable outcome easily follows from the Newtonian explanationthus, it would provide us with an argument with true premises. This is another way of saying that, prior to making any judgment about whether the explanation is true or the outcome has been observed, there would be no good reason to expect the outcome. B. b. According to the given data. Which of the following defines hypothesis? But, as Hempel suggests, that is not all they requirethey require imagination. There we have the marine. Explanatory Impotence Explanatory impotence is the opposite of explanatory power. For a scientific explanation to be testable, it must also be ________. After searching for it high and low later, I suddenly remembered. Men were exposed more frequently to the elements, since they did the hunting and tree cutting. Suppose I say to you, If he is from Chicago, then he is from Illinoisand he is indeed from Illinois, so he must be from Chicago. You cant be absolutely sure without some wider context, but it normally wouldnt make sense for me to explain someones residency in Illinois by pointing to his residence in Chicago. When was psychology accepted as an academic discipline? Research testing the catharsis notion of spectator aggression has shown that Organisms are able to maintain relatively constant internal conditions that may differ from the external environment. Another good way to check for an improbable outcome is to ask this: Does this outcome rule out the leading alternative explanations? The requirement that it be possible to specify some observable outcome of an explanation that could prove it to be false. If the man were a Marine sergeant, then he would have a maritime tattoo, a military carriage, regulation side-whiskers, and an air of command. e. a and c, General strategies for controlling spectator aggression include which of the following? It can also be helpful to know that when explanatory arguments occur in ordinary language, the ifthen premise is more often than not implicit (which tends not to be the case with the fallacy of affirming the consequent). But where the two species competed for seeds, one evolved a beak suited for the small seeds, while the other developed a beak for the large seeds. d. all of the above How does Abbys conclusion fare in the face of this alternative explanation? Does this mean that explanatory arguments are always fallacious? Which of the following are characteristics of reliable empirical data? The explanationthat he was a Marine sergeantcomes next. a. instinct theory You must have observed the way in which he held his head and swung his cane. She must be a good driver, since she usually gets where shes going without running into anybody. 2. My wife calls mePapa Bear. Not clear from the passage which came first, though it was probably the explanation (apparently whoever set up the experiment already had the explanation in mind and was testing it). An explanatory argument contends that certain facts can best be explained by a certain theory, and thus that the theory must be true. Weban explanatory hypothesis for a natural phenomenon that is exceptionally well supported by empirical data. Find three images of sound in the poem and three instances of silence. This supports which theory of aggression? I thought it was the wind blowing up the canyon, like it does, you know, except it was real still. Ask whether the outcome is too vague. Simplicity contributes to epistemic probability, so ask whether the explanation is sufficiently simple. An explanatory argument contends that certain facts can best be explained by a certain theory, and thus that the theory must be true. If you were to design an experiment to test whether a particular pathogen caused a disease, which of the following choices would be the first step and which the last step you would make if you followed the scientific method precisely? A later investigation showed that there was indeed a correlation between TM and warmer weather, but an even stronger correlation between TM and the preceding afternoons forecast of warmer weather for the next day. She is a ________. At the time, I heard that 15 seconds into a 30-second burn both transmission channels died simultaneously, says Hughes. Ideally, the explanation contains a cohesive and cogent understanding of the origins of the problems, the conditions that perpetuate them, the obstacles interfering with their solution, and the resources available to address them. You should be a bit more suspicious of explanatory arguments in which the observable outcome preceded the explanationbut for psychological, not logical, reasons. Then-clause is said to be unlikely without if-clause. The leading alternative explanation is that the manager has succeeded by sheer luck. And whatever happened to Satcom III, the telecommunications satellite that some say almost crippled the satellite insurance industry? The work is being done by whatever independent reason we already have for expecting the outcome to occur. If you are like most people you suggest, Eight is in the set. And my reply is that yes, 8 is included, because I am thinking of the set of all whole numbers. Because the ideas of creationism cannot be tested through experiment and observation. Waitdont tell meyour dog ate it, right?, Judge to scofflaw: So, my papers show that you failed to pay 48 separate parking tickets. Describes knowledge that is based on experience and observations that are rational, testable, and repeatable. By using the control group, the alternative is ruled out that the effect is somehow induced by the test itself. . For each of the passages below, (i)state the observable outcome and (ii)offer a different observable outcome that would rule out alternative explanations and lower its probability, thus making the argument logically stronger. . For example, our hypothesis in this case could be that the toast didn't toast because the electrical outlet is broken. Which Shakespearean sonnet is the most beautiful? A general, fact-based understanding of the basics of biology and other sciences, the scientific method, and the social, political, and legal implications of scientific information. Sample answer. For a solution to be termed a scientific hypothesis, it has to be an idea that can be supported or refuted through carefully crafted experimentation or observation. It is not likely that we would now call it Halleys sun. It includes the presumption of causation. Halley was especially interested in a comet he had observed in 1682. A process of examination and discovery of natural phenomena that involves making observations, constructing hypotheses, testing predictions, experimenting, and drawing conclusions and revising them as necessary. Develop an action plan. His left arm has been injured. a. fans become less aggressive after watching a sporting event Instrumental aggression is aggression occurring. . Further, it is not necessary for the prior probability of the explanation to be high; if the explanation were already highly probable, there would be no need for the argument! b. To test for this, there are several questions that can require yes answers. It is the best understanding that we have of that part of the natural world. WebQuestion: Which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis? The magazine reporting it is reliable, and there is no reason to distrust it in this case. Real estate investment trusts (REITs) experienced a record level of profitability in 2004 Soles An explanatory hypothesis is a type of hypothesis which is used to test the cause and effect relationship between two or more than two variables. [If competition for food among finches on Galapagos is the main cause of extremes in beak sizes, then there are extremes in beak sizes on Galapagos finches, there is no relevant difference in food from island to island, and in conditions of scarcity the finches with extremes survive best. Formulate a hypothesis. d. internal versus external This insight can be especially valuable when improbable events are explained by appeal to the paranormal. The most common alternative is the term theoretical argumentin which, it is said, a theory is supported by appeal to facts. To illustrate how this strategy is related to the prior epistemic probability of the outcome, suppose I propose the following fanciful explanation: I am bewitched, so that gravity has no affect on me whatsoever; the only reason I am able to walk around on the ground is because of magical shoes that counteract the bewitchment when I wear them. The second premise states that the observable outcome has happenedthat it really has been observed. Explanatory arguments typically expand our knowledge by offering a different subject matter in the conclusion. a person's unconscious. There are a few money managers who succeed on the basis of skillmultibillionaire Warren Buffet is the most famous example. . Its like coming back from the dead. . William James was the ________. WebTranscribed image text: www.bbt.com Our Time.com Cesearch Foundations, Process, and Ethics Savod Which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis? The comet argument can be clarified as follows: The correct form for an explanatory argument should look familiarit is also the form of the fallacy of affirming the consequent, introduced in Chapter 11. correlated, but not causal. Explanations, to recall Chapter 2, are not necessarily arguments. B. Which occurs more frequentlyburglars or butterfingers? a. MUST: This represents the major premise of which theory? d. college students studying counseling Suppose on the camping trip your friend wonders why the water boiled so quickly, and you reply, Because we are at a higher altitude. This is not an argument. WebQuestion: Which of the following is an explanatory hypothesis? Partly because this revised outcome would be false, it has not been offered; so the argument is handicapped by an outcome that leaves the luck alternative still standing. The sentence A comet with an orbit similar to the 1530 and 1606 comets will appear in December 1758 is the observable outcome, that which the explanation enables us to predict and to better understand. She is a great actress. Rabinoff.). Ive really slimmed down. I hope this explains it for all hands. 3) Sensitivity and responsiveness to the external environment. Write an expression for the general or nth term, an,a_{n},an, for the geometric sequence. Blue jay reproduction rates were measured in both habitats before and after the treatment. If vitamin C helps prevent colds, then the group taking vitamin C has substantially fewer colds than the group taking the placebo. Sales of vegetarian foods vary by season. a. as a circle Categorize types of drugs used to treat psychological disorders. It must be emphatically added that the world is in many ways mysterious, and that science can be mistaken, and often is. But it is possible to specify the lowest hurdle that must be cleared. applying a set of skills to understand and evaluate information. c. an interaction of situations and personal beliefs B. Scott Jones, a staff member for U.S. Ban alcoholic beverages at sporting events. The set of analytical and mathematical tools designed to help researchers gain understanding from the data they gather is called. The fact remains that she tossed heads, on demand, five times in a row, but you now realize that coincidence is at least as good an explanation as talentafter all, how many people can actually toss heads whenever they want?and you are likely to lose interest. In these cases it is better to say that you simply cannot decide, especially if the argument has not ruled out coincidence or deception as alternative explanations. Echinacea has no effect on the duration and severity of the symptoms of the common cold. The other roots the power of suggestion in physiology: extreme fright and despair disrupt the sympathetic nervous system and paralyze body functions. Again, if you include the observations actually made in December of 1758, the probability would be very highthey saw it! 16. Sample answer. Improved outcome: An image looking like the outline of the Virgin Mary was seen on the wall of a house, and it remained there when the window of the neighboring house was opened. Applying Newtons laws to these data, he boldly made the following prediction: A comet with an orbit similar to the 1530 and 1606 comets will appear in December 1758. A hypothesis attempts to explain natural phenomenon and can be tested through experimentation; a theory attempts to summarize a large expanse of natural phenomenon and has already been tested thoroughly without contradictory results. . No one can even begin to provide an account of the conceptual framework, of the causal mechanisms, that would make sense of it. As the decades passed it was not forgotten, and the comet appeared on Christmas Day, 1758. It is an argument. This closure did not occur during a normal period. Treatment: in a research study, any condition applied to subjects - those in the treatment group - that is not applied to subjects in a control group. When it did come true, it was often counted as reason to believe that the oracle had special powers. Exploratory research is defined as a research used to investigate a problem which is not clearly defined. Which of the following would be classified as an aggressive act? The observable outcomealso termed the data, the prediction, or the factsfollows from the explanation and can in a certain way, at a certain time, and under certain conditions, be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that "interest groups are evidence of political freedom"? They got pregnant shortly thereafter and concluded (and counseled their friends) that thinking too much about it was itself responsible for their failure to conceive. Then it is a deductive argument and commits the fallacy of affirming the consequent. Bring it all together by fully clarifying and evaluating the explanatory arguments in each of these passages. In an experiment, the group of subjects not exposed to the treatment being studied but otherwise treated identically to the experimental group. Premise 2 is probably true. As with the other argument forms introduced in this text, there are a variety of alternative terms for explanatory arguments, none of which seems to have taken the lead. Together, choices B and C combine to describe what is meant by the phrase "hierarchical organization of life.". For singular explanations, the simplest one normally offers the fewest explanatory entities. d. Aggression facilitates performance only in team-sport athletes. How often do plumbers waste time by doing things such as drying their clothes when they can make more money by going on to another job? Also, the doctors reported, an extensive battery of pulmonary function tests failed to produce the kinds of findings that are characteristic of an asthmatic. The first part focuses on the importance of the improbability of the outcome. Several of the younger trees by Beaver Creek stream are now nothing more than two-foot posts sticking out of the ground; the treetops are nowhere around, and the top of each stump comes to a curious point. Without using a calculator, find P100P^{100}P100. Gilbert Harman is associated with the phrase. I dont smoke a pipe. D. It excludes the presumption of Abby tells her therapist that she tripped a small child who got in her way, and her therapist accepts this information without judgment. d. a and b. e. a and c. b. in the quest of some nonaggressive goal. But this outcome provides no support for the explanation. If the comet had been expected anyway, why should its appearance point toward Newtonian mechanics as opposed to whatever was the already accepted explanation? her own conscious experience. I found a Thai restaurant and now I go there for lunch every day. Vague outcomes are likely to have a high prior probability and thus are likely to signal that the argument is logically weak. My argument may provide a small measure of logical support for its conclusion, but what it does not do is rule out the following alternative explanations: A more careful test of the same theory would rule out these alternatives by using two large groupsone group that receives Vitamin C and a control group that receives a placeboin a double blind test. Frustration increases the likelihood of aggression. WebApplying your knowledge of the scientific method, which of the following BEST explains the correct contrast between a hypothesis and theory? \, 4,83,169,3227,-4,-\frac{8}{3},-\frac{16}{9},-\frac{32}{27}, \ldots During the previous winter MIU had been involved in a major construction project (a domed structure for the practice of levitation). Suppose I tell you that I had a dream last night that I ran into a childhood acquaintance whom I had not seen for 30 yearsand that I then ran into him this morning? At the end of the summer term, the teachers at a New England school were informed that certain children had been identified as spurters who could be expected to do well over the coming months. For a hypothesis to be a scientific hypothesis, the scientific method requires that one can test it. Step 4. In the study of personality, the ________ model includes dimensions of conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and extroversion. 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