how much did encyclopedia britannica cost in 1970

Yongle Encyclopedia, 16th-century China. Pearle. The editor of the supplement was Hugh Chisholm, who also had been the main editor of the eleventh edition, as well as the 1902 eleven-volume supplement to the ninth edition, known as the tenth edition. Forbes, was issued in 1856, in a separate quarto volume, "gratis, along with Vol. These strong fluctuations in sales led to economic hardship for the Britannica. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The third edition established the foundation of the Britannica as an important and definitive reference work for much of the next century. This website uses cookies to How much did a set of encyclopedias cost? How do I recycle old encyclopedias? The spy would steal the proofreader's copies and send them by fastest mail to the United States, allowing Stoddart to publish his version simultaneously with the Britannica and at nearly half the price ($5 versus $9 per volume). Nevertheless, Gleig was sanguine about the errors of the 3rd edition, echoing William Smellie's sentiment in the 1st edition quoted above: For perfection seems to be incompatible with the nature of works constructed on such a plan, and embracing such a variety of subjects. A few of the articles without crossheads, such as Money at 15 pages and Mahometans at 17 pages, exceeded in length some of the treatises. The numbers were bound in three equally sized volumes covering A-B, C-L, and M-Z; an estimated 3,000 sets were eventually sold, priced at 12 pounds sterling apiece. [10] After failing to win over Oxford University, Hooper managed to secure Cambridge University as a new sponsor; thus, the 11th edition was published initially by Cambridge University Press, and scholars from Cambridge University were allowed to review the text and veto any overly aggressive advertising. 9., p. 378. The mathematical articles of Prof. Wallace were widely praised in the 4th edition. Only 4,000 are left in stock. His right to do so was upheld in an infamous decision by Justice Arthur Butler who argued. Most of the maps of this edition (eighteen of them) are found in a single 195-page article, "Geography". How much did Encyclopedia Britannica cost? The long period of time during which this edition was written makes the later volumes more updated than the earlier ones. With its scholarly, reliable reputation, Encyclopaedia Britannica had not been affected by the popularity of free online website Wikipedia, he said. Encyclopaedia Britannica cost $1400 for a full 32-volume print edition. An index to the entire set was created that year as well, and was the first of its kind for Britannica. Rosenwald died in 1932, and General Robert E. Wood took over; Cox was removed as publisher and the Secretary-Treasurer of Sears, Elkan Harrison Powell, was installed as the new President of the Britannica. [8] Smellie declined to be editor, principally because he objected to the addition of biography. The supplement was completed in April 1824, consisting of 6 volumes with 4933 pages, 125 plates, 9 maps, 3 "dissertations" and 160 biographies, mainly of people who had died within the preceding 30 years. To edit the supplement, Constable hired Macvey Napier, who recruited other eminent contributors such as Sir Humphry Davy, Jean-Baptiste Biot, John Stuart Mill, William Hazlitt, David Ricardo, and Thomas Malthus. How much (in 1965 dollars) did a new (1965) edition of the Encyclopedia Americana cost? The 9th and 11th editions are often lauded as high points for scholarship; the 9th included yet another series of illustrious contributors such as Thomas Henry Huxley (article on "Evolution"), Lord Rayleigh (articles on "Optics, Geometrical" and "Wave Theory of Light"), Algernon Charles Swinburne (article on "John Keats"), William Michael Rossetti, Amelia Edwards (article on "Mummy"), Prince Kropotkin (articles on "Moscow", "Odessa" and "Siberia"), James George Frazer (articles on "Taboo" and "Totemism"), Andrew Lang (article on "Apparitions"), Lord Macaulay, James Clerk Maxwell (articles on "Atom" and "Ether"), Lord Kelvin (articles on "Elasticity" and "Heat") and William Morris (article on "Mural Decoration"). Were seen as being global, fair, insightful, and perhaps a bit too earnest. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. 5 out of 5 stars (383) . The population in developing countries will increase from 5.3 B to 7.8 B in 2050. (Medicine had been a similar 302 pages in the 2nd edition). The cost of encyclopedias for adults is much higher than for children's sets. Encyclopaedia Britannica, for example, charges $1,399 for the standard hardback version of its popular 32-volume Encyclopaedia Britannica for adults. [19] Thomas Young's article on Egypt included the translation of the hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone.[5][20]. The Macropdia was also restricted somewhat from 19 volumes to the present 17 volumes. What Thomson did was introduce modern chemical nomenclature without symbolsoxide of tin, chloride of lime, etc. Photography is listed for the first time. If you want to escape the ads, you have a few choices: Pay $70 a year for a subscription to the main encyclopedia, $130 a year for a subscription to the "learning bundle" (which includes a kids'. Real news, real hope. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Now, the Encyclopaedia Britannica will only be available in digital versions. Does anyone buy Encyclopedia Britannica? The first "American" encyclopedia, Dobson's Encyclopdia, was based almost entirely on the 3rd edition of the Britannica and published at nearly the same time (17881798), together with an analogous supplement (1803), by the Scottish-born printer, Thomas Dobson. Again taken together with the eleventh edition, the new volumes became known as the thirteenth edition, which maintained the Britannica's tradition of illustrious contributors: Harry Houdini, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Sigmund Freud, Henry Ford, Leon Trotsky, Ferdinand Foch, Gustav Stresemann, Thomas G. Masaryk and Elihu Root. In todays news environment, you cant blindly trust anything you seeyou have to question everything for yourself. It was the first edition to include a general index for all articles, a practice that was maintained until 1974. Richard Current says that Lincoln was born in a backwoods cabin 3 miles (5 km) south of Hodgenville, Kentucky. How do I know thats true? [10] There were roughly 1100 contributors altogether,[24] a handful of whom were women; this edition was also the first to include a significant article about women ("Women, Law Relating to"). I first interviewed Zo Field of Field of Roses here on the Floret blog way back in 2016 when I wanted to learn more about the farmer-florist movement in New Zealand. Its cheaper, its bigger, its more accessible, its more inclusive of differing viewpoints and subjects beyond traditional academic scholarship, its entries tend to include more references, and it is more up to date. Other people alleged to have copied the 9th edition included John Wanamaker and the Reverend Isaac Kaufmann Funk of the Funk and Wagnalls encyclopedia. It was a new work, not a revision of earlier editions, although some articles from earlier editions and supplements are used. This is mainly due to the increase in population of, and sales in, the United States, which were mere colonies with low population when Britannica started out in 1768. For a full 32-volume print edition, the price is $1400. "The print edition became more difficult to maintain and wasn't the best physical element to deliver the quality of our database and the quality of our editorial," Jorge Cauz, president of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., told Reuters. Buy, sell and value in over 150+ specialist categories. Bill replied, "Well, General, you know that universities do not have any money. Copyright violation did not end until shortly before the Eleventh edition came out. Recycling encyclopedias Call your local library and ask if you may donate your set to be sold. unless you renew or If the Encyclopdia Britannica shall in any degree counteract the tendency of that pestiferous work, even these two volumes will not be wholly unworthy of your Majesty's attention.[6]. The vast majority of the other articles, however, were only a few lines long, some being hardly more than definitions. This inference is supported by Smellies biographer, Robert Kerr, who claimed that Smellie devised the plan and wrote or compiled all the chief articles and recorded how he used to say jocularly that he had made a dictionary of arts and sciences with a pair of scissors. Later Smellie became Secretary and Superintendent of Natural History and keeper of the museum of the Society of Scottish Antiquaries. The scope of the second edition was enlarged by the inclusion of biographical articles, by the expansion of geographical articles to become history articles, and in general by the insertion of Various Detached Parts of Knowledge (as the title page put it). I have long-admired Zo from afar and am dying to visit her farm in person someday. Tytler also describes the architecture of Noah's Ark in detail (illustrated with a copperplate engraving). Are Britannica Encyclopedias Worth Anything. For example, "Chemistry" goes into great detail on an obsolete system of what would now be called alchemy, in which earth, air, water and fire are named elements containing various amounts of phlogiston. So Im supposed to trust Britannicas entry on Lincoln because its written by a guy who really knows Lincoln, and Im supposed to think of its entry on skateboarding as being on the up-and-up because Tony Hawk wrote it. Evolution was listed for the first time, in the wake of Charles Darwin's writings, but the subject was treated as if still controversial, and a complete working of the subject would have to wait for the 11th edition. Encyclopdia Britannica, 7th edition, preface. Only 4,000 are left in stock. log out. Only 4,000 are left in stock. Vintage Set World Book Encyclopedias 1973, 2 Vol Dictionary, Year Books 1960s 1970 0822 Ad vertisement by UncleEddiesLot. The last part of the 10th volume was a supplement that brought the work up to date and corrected errors. Thus, the 9th and 11th editions had 17,000 and 40,000 articles, respectively, although they were roughly equivalent in size. To address this problem, Powell suggested in 1933 the policy of continuous revision, with the goal of keeping the Britannica "always timely and always salable". This was about 210,000 times as fast as the ENIAC - the workhorse of World War II. IceCreamEmpress Hapless Virago In all, there were 344 contributors, including Lord Macaulay, Charles Kingsley, Robert Chambers, the Rev. The 1st edition also featured 160 copperplate illustrations engraved by Bell. (Thomson would much later author the article for the 7th edition). Encyclopedias of various types had been published since antiquity, beginning with the collected works of Aristotle and the Natural History of Pliny the Elder, the latter having 2493 articles in 37 books. The 13 volumes of the first edition were completed in 1833, and other editions and printings followed in 1835, 1836, 1847-1848, 1849 and 1858. The number of topics indexed by the Britannica has fluctuated from 500,000 (1985, the same as in 1954) to 400,000 (1989,1991) to 700,000 in the 2007 print version. And Im going to argue that we change lives precisely because we force open that too-small box that most human beings think they live in. Seems like I remember my dad bitching that they cost more than that, but I'm not sure, and he can't tell me. There may be differences of opinion about the morality of republishing a work here that is copyrighted abroad; but the public policy of this country, as respects the subject, is in favor of such replicationIt is supposed to have an influence upon the advance of learning and intelligence. The University of Chicago was the sole beneficiary of the Foundation, and in the mid-1990s the university provided funding to stem the encyclopedia's losses.[41]. Follow. If you want to learn to suss out the liars, theres no better training than Wikipedia. In the 1980s, Microsoft approached Britannica to collaborate on a CD-ROM encyclopedia, but the offer was declined. Most early encyclopedias did not include biographies of living people and were written in Latin, although some encyclopedias were translated into English, such as De proprietatibus rerum (On the properties of things) (1240) by Bartholomeus Anglicus. [23] Robert Louis Stevenson, then 25, contributed an article about Robert Burns that, being unenthusiastic, was never printed. (I thought it was just a Britannica wannabe). The University of Chicago declined the offer, viewing the mission of the university as not entirely consistent with a large commercial publishing house; however it continues even today to be involved in its production, offering editorial advice and allowing its name to be associated with the Britannica. [43] The Micropdia and Macropdia articles are listed in alphabetical order; the 4,287 contributors to the Macropdia articles are identified scrupulously, but the Micropdia articles are generally anonymous and unreferenced. The long s started being phased out of English publications shortly after the turn of the 19th century, and by 1817 it was archaic. Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc., receive donations of tons of old encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books but send them to recycling centers or dumps as they cannot use or sell them. The plates, again by Bell, numbered 340 (300 according to the editions title page). A total of 45,000 authorized sets were produced this way for the US market. [4] By contrast, Dobson's work had various corrections and amendments for American readers. [10] Scribners' claimed U. S. copyright on several of the individual articles. Monitor journalism changes lives because we open that too-small box that most people think they live in. #1 Can anyone tell me how much a set of World Book Encyclopedias cost in the early 1970's? In 1816, Bell's trustees sold the rights to the Britannica for 14,000pounds to Archibald Constable, an apprentice bookseller, who had been involved in its publication from 1788. "Britannica was one of the first company's to really feel the full impact of technology, maybe twenty years ago, and we have been adapting to it, though it is very difficult at times," he said. Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. on Tuesday, March 13, 2012 said that it will stop publishing print editions of its flagship encyclopedia for the first time since the sets were published in 1768. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). He later said:[4]. The three most recent Christian Science articles with a spiritual perspective. The 11th edition employed 35 named female contributors, out of 1500 total (2.3%). Now, the Encyclopaedia Britannica will only be available in digital versions. The most notable example was Scotland (184.5 pages), which covered Scottish history up to the union with the crown of England in 1603 (Britain, at 80 pages, continued the story) and gave a general account of the country. Senior managers at Britannica were confident in their control of the market and that their healthy profits would continue. This line is exactly as it had appeared in the 2nd edition, which was written during the war. [4] The 14th edition was again criticized for sexism, by a woman who wrote to editor Walter Yust that too many biographies were of men; Yust made a count and found that 6% of its 13,000 biographies were of women. How much did encyclopedia Britannica cost? The Hubbard Brothers of Philadelphia produced a 5-volume American supplement between 1882 and 1889, in quality leather bindings designed to match the authorized volumes in appearance. For example, the 56-page "Botany" of the 3rd edition was replaced in the 4th with a 270-page version by moving all the individual plant articles into one. Although not all encyclopedias succeeded commercially, their elements sometimes inspired future encyclopedias; for example, the failed two-volume A Universal History of Arts and Sciences of Dennis de Coetlogon (published 1745) grouped its topics into long self-contained treatises, an organization that likely inspired the "new plan" of the Britannica. How much did Encyclopedia Britannica cost in 1970? Three of the engravings in the section on midwifery, depicting childbirth in clinical detail, were sufficiently shocking to prompt some readers to tear those engravings out of the volume.[4]. The supplement to the 3rd edition contained updates which were not included in it, and which had become dated themselves anyway, the 4th edition expanded the text somewhat but revised very little, and the 5th and 6th were just reprints of the 4th. [26] In a typical contemporary assessment, "It is called the Micropdia, for 'little knowledge,' and little knowledge is what it provides. It was a dictionary of Arts, Sciences, &c., running to 10 volumes of some 9,000 pages. If the set is in good, clean condition, it can sell for as much as $400 per set. Further, in the latter case, the reader wishing merely to learn the meaning of a technical term had to search through a long article before he could find the information he wanted. c. 12 expressly declares, that all his Majesty's colonies in America, have been, are, and of right ought to be, subordinate to and dependent upon the imperial crown and parliament of Great Britain; who have full power and authority to make laws and statutes of sufficient validity to bind the colonies and people of America, subjects to the crown of Great Britain in all cases whatsoever. The 9th and 10th Editions are so numerous that they are of small value; up to maybe $3-500 in good condition. The articles were therefore divided into 30 classifications and a schedule for their revision worked out, such that every article would be checked at least twice a decade. The plates and plate numbers are all the same, but with the name A. ", "Does it make any money?" A sixth dissertation, by J.D. The first began publishing in the 1820s by the German exile Francis Lieber. Bill asked. Sales figures for the 11th edition were comparable to those of the 9th, which sold hundreds of thousands of copies including the unlicensed sets. [3] On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the 1st edition, Encyclopdia Britannica Inc. published a facsimile of the 1st edition, even including "age spots" on the paper. how much did a set of encyclopedias cost in 1970, how much is a complete set of encyclopedia britannica worth . Since its founding, the Encyclopdia Britannica has relied upon both outside experts and its own editors with various subject-area proficiencies to write its entries. In being a living proof that pure patriotism is not a delusion, or virtue an empty name, no one of the sons of man has equalled George Washington. The new plan of the Encyclopdia Britannica consisted of including treatises on the arts (i.e., practical arts) and sciences in the same alphabetical series as short articles on technical terms and other subjects, with plentiful cross references from the one type of entry to the other. Only 4,000 are left in stock. Print. Yet even as publishing industry has created more digital products, it has struggled with financial losses, and Cauz admitted to a "long road to profitability" for many publishers. How much did Encyclopedia Britannica cost in 1970? Being a reprint of the 4th, set in the same type, Encyclopdia Britannica's 5th edition was one of the last publications in the English language to use the long s in print. Encyclopaedia Britannica cost $1400 for a full 32-volume print edition. The Christian Science Monitor has expired. After the release of a new edition, sales would generally begin strong, and decline gradually for 1020 years as the edition began to show its age; finally, sales would drop off precipitously with the announcement that work had begun on a new edition, since few people would buy an obsolete encyclopedia that would soon be updated. [26] Famous infringers of that era include the Philadelphian Joseph M. Stoddart, who employed a spy in the Britannica's own printshop, Neill and Company, in Edinburgh. [48], In 1981, the first digital version of the Britannica was created for the LexisNexis service.[3]. improve functionality and performance. Only 4,000 are left in stock. Ephraim Chambers wrote a very popular two-volume Cyclopedia in 1728, which went through multiple editions and awakened publishers to the enormous profit potential of encyclopedias. The article "Electricity", 125 pages in the 3rd edition, was completely re-written for the 4th edition and was 163 pages. The price was reduced to 24 shillings per volume, cloth-bound. In addition to American unauthorized copies, there were American supplements which were written to be appended to authorized copies of Britannica. Anybody have any idea? Large blocks of text were carried over, line-by-line, unchanged in their typesetting, with some minor editing here and there. It also was sold as a unit for owners of the 4th edition, and became known as "Supplement to the 4th, 5th and 6th edition. I remember wanting to find the books illuminating but always finding the experience unfulfilling. In 1890, James Clarke published the Americanized Encyclopdia Britannica, Revised and Amended which was only 10 volumes, as was the 1895 Belford-Clark issue by the same name (Chicago). With this edition EB became the first encyclopedia that serves both functions of fact-checking and self-education. The management did not believe that a CD-ROM could adequately compete or supplement their business. Other encyclopedia companies quickly followed suit, and the door-to-door encyclopedia salesman became extinct. It contained 21 numbered volumes, with 17,957 pages and 402 plates. bcdan07. Almost no changes were made to the text, it was basically a remake of the 5th with very minor updates. The Encyclopedia Britannica company did launch a CD-ROM in 1989, four years before Encarta came along, but it did so under the name of Compton's, another encyclopedia brand it owned, so as not to tarnish the venerable Britannica brand. Our famed encyclopedia first published in 1768 but all digital today remains the oldest continuously published and revised work in the English language. But hardly anybody pays even that: the vast majority of copies are given away to promote the sale of computers and peripherals. In reality, by breaking the intrinsic links between a topic in Propdia with its associated EB articles the intended function (or usefulness) of Propdia is hindered significantly. The 15th edition was produced over ten years at a cost of $32 million and released in 1974 in 30 volumes. Theres no such thing as a bad questionbut there are bad answers, the site says. ix. Instead, Dr. Gleig, or more likely, James Tytler, wrote that gravity is caused by the classical element of fire. They have a CD version, which didn't surprise me, but to still publish a hardcover set, wow. During all of middle- and high school, I reached for the Britannica two or three times, at most. In 1987 how much did a Complete Set of the 1987 Encyclopedia Britannica cost? Some long articles were carried over from the 7th edition, but most were completely re-written, and new articles by illustrious contributors were added. An update on major political events, candidates, and parties twice a week. There were more treatises than in the first edition, and many new articles, as well as previous articles much increased in length. The public furor caused The Times to cancel its sponsorship contract with Hooper, feeling that the interests of the newspaper were not being served. [39] Powell also introduced the Library Research Service (1936), in which owners of the Britannica could write to have their personal questions researched and answered by the editorial staff. An excellent collection of prospectuses received by a single person (C. L. Parker) in that year has been preserved by the Bodleian Library (catalogued under #39899.c.1). rev. How much did Encyclopedia Britannica cost in 1970? Some of the long articles were entirely re-written for the 4th edition. The Encyclopdia Britannica was first published in 1768, when it began to appear in Edinburgh, Scotland. Obviously, you'll probably never see results like that again, but these numbers still show that art can be a powerful financial asset. The owner of a 26-volume set of 1955 Britannicas was asking $500, but had no bids. RECOMMENDED: The 10 most intriguing tablets of 2012. It currently is out of print and sold out. [18] Legal disputes over the copyright of the 3rd edition supplements continued, however, and for this reason a new supplement was written by Constable's company, which was completed in 1824. Hi, for everyone asking questions as to the value of Encyclopaedia Britannica sets, the basic guideline is that the 1st up until the 8th Editions have great collector values, defined by condition. It's usually around $25 for them. It would seem obvious from this that this is therefore the worth of these books. The company kindly offers free trials of all its online offerings, but bewareit takes your credit card info up front, and then auto-renews your purchase annually if you dont cancel its trustworthy, expensive learning tools. This is a dubious argument; a study published in Nature in 2005 found that both Wikipedia and Britannica were good references, with each getting a similarly small number of facts wrong. It was very different from the 11th edition, having fewer volumes and simpler articles, continuing the business strategy of popularizing the Britannica for the American mass market at the expense of its scholarship. How much does encyclopedia cost? A 204-page appendix, written in 1784, is found at the end of Vol. Wherever this intention does not plainly appear, neither the books nor their authors have the smallest claim to the approbation of mankind". The first edition was reprinted in London, with slight variants on the title page and a different preface, by Edward and Charles Dilly in 1773 and by John Donaldson in 1775. The "Book of the Year" was published in print annually from 1938 to 2018. ; ; ; ; . The 7th edition was begun in 1827 and published from March 1830 to January 1842, although all volumes have title pages dated 1842. By mid-1971 unemployment reached a 10-year peak of 6 percent, and inflation continued. [citation needed] Although the crass marketing was criticized as inappropriate to the Britannica's history and scholarship, the unprecedented profits delighted the manager of The Times, Charles Frederic Moberly Bell,[10] who assessed Hooper as "a ranker who loved to be accepted as a gentleman. Many illustrious contributors were recruited to this edition, including Sir David Brewster, Thomas de Quincey, Antonio Panizzi and Robert Stephenson. Item #: 10050 - Now available for pre-order! The consequences of reducing the costs of production of the 8th edition can be seen today in surviving sets. Stay informed about the latest scientific discoveries & breakthroughs. This edition began the tradition of a contributors' banquet to celebrate the edition's completion (5 June 1861). But you know what? It contained 30 volumes and 18,251 pages, with 8,500 photographs, maps, flags, and illustrations in smaller "compact" volumes. The work was undertaken by James Tytler (17451804), a brilliant but penniless polymath described by the Scottish poet Robert Burns as an obscure, tippling, but extraordinary body, who was later outlawed for printing a seditious handbill and died at Salem, Mass. Of good scholarship, it contained biographies of Americans and geographies of US places, as well as other US interests not mentioned in the main encyclopedia. The 4th edition 1955 Britannicas was asking $ 500, but the offer was declined wannabe ) Hapless! Adults is much higher than for children & # x27 ; s have suggestions to this... Title page ) or more likely, James tytler, wrote that gravity is by! 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